American Economic Review 1974 Vol 64 Issue 1 1-10

American Economic Review

1969 - 2022

Electric current editor(s): Esther Duflo

From American Economic Association
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Volume 65, consequence 11, 1975

Directly Measurement of Popular Price Expectations pp. 169-80 Downloads
George Menil and Surjit Bhalla

Volume 65, issue v, 1975

The 1975 Report of the President's Council of Economical Advisors: A Radical Critique pp. 791-811 Downloads
James Crotty and Leonard A Rapping
Securities Market place Efficiency in an Arrow-Debreu Economy pp. 812-24 Downloads
Marking Rubinstein
The Consumption Function in a Developing Economic system and the Italian Feel pp. 825-42 Downloads
Franco Modigliani and E Tarantelli
Interest Rates, Inflation, and Consumer Expenditures pp. 843-58 Downloads
Warren Weber
Commutation Rates and Fiscal Policy in a Popular Model of International Trade pp. 859-71 Downloads
Rüdiger Dornbusch
Equities, Capital Gains, and the Role of Finance in Accumulation pp. 872-86 Downloads
Basil Moore
Constraints on Government Investment Opportunities and the Choice of Discount Rate pp. 887-99 Downloads
David Bradford
The Need for Risky Assets pp. 900-922 Downloads
Irwin Friend and Marshall Due east Blume
An Intergenerational Model of Population Growth pp. 923-33 Downloads
Assaf Razin and Uri Ben-Zion
Search in the Labor Market and the Duration of Unemployment: Some Empirical Testify pp. 934-42 Downloads
John Barron
Private Preference for Collective Goods Revealed Through Voting on Referenda pp. 943-55 Downloads
Robert Deacon and Perry Shapiro
Technical Change and the Reproducibility of Upper-case letter pp. 956-65 Downloads
Charles R Hulten
Cantankerous-Subsidization: Pricing in Public Enterprises pp. 966-77 Downloads
Gerald R Faulhaber
Revealed Preference for Public Goods pp. 978-91 Downloads
Hajime Hori
Market place Equilibrium Versus Optimum in a Model with Congestion: Note pp. 992-96 Downloads
Oded Hochman
Externalities, Extortion, and Efficiency pp. 997-1001 Downloads
George Daly and J. Giertz
A Model of IQ, Occupaton, and Earnings pp. 1002-07 Downloads
William W Brown and Morgan O Reynolds
On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Comment pp. 1008-fourteen Downloads
Richard Carson
On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Comment pp. 1015-23 Downloads
Worcester, Dean A,
On Monopoly Welfare Losses: Answer pp. 1024-31 Downloads
Abram Bergson
The Economics of the Network-Affiliate Relationship: Comment pp. 1032-36 Downloads
Daniel A Graham and John Thou Vernon
The Economics of the Network-Affiliate Relationship: Answer pp. 1037-38 Downloads
Stanley Besen and Ronald Soligo

Book 65, issue 4, 1975

The 1975 Study of the President's Council of Economic Advisers: Nutrient and Agriculture pp. 533-38 Downloads
Harold O Carter
The 1975 Written report of the President's Quango of Economic Directorate: Long on Analysis, Brusk on Policy pp. 539-47 Downloads
William Poole
Interest and Credit in General Equilibrium with Transactions Costs pp. 548-66 Downloads
Jurg Niehans
Socially Optimal Product Differentiation pp. 567-85 Downloads
Kelvin Lancaster
Security Cost Changes and Transaction Volumes: Theory and Evidence pp. 586-97 Downloads
Thomas W Epps
The Measurement and Trend of Inequality: A Basic Revision pp. 598-609 Downloads
Morton Paglin
A Keynes-Friedman Money Demand Function pp. 610-23 Downloads
Paul A Meyer and John A Neri
Brusque-Run Nugget Effects on Household Saving and Consumption: The Cantankerous-Section Evidence pp. 624-33 Downloads
Irwin Friend and Charles Lieberman
Pure Traded Intermediate Products and The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem pp. 634-43 Downloads
Albert Schweinberger
Did the 1968 Surcharge Actually Work? pp. 644-59 Downloads
William L Springer
Linear Taxation of Wealth and Wages for Intragenerational Lifetime Justice: Some Steady-State Cases pp. 660-73 Downloads
J A Ordover and Edmund Phelps
Portfolio Equilibrium and the Residual of Payments: A Monetary Approach pp. 674-88 Downloads
Jacob A Frenkel and Carlos Rodríguez
Profit Maximization and Alternative Theories: A Dynamic Reconciliation pp. 689-94 Downloads
Robert Due east Wong
The Limits to Growth in a Neoclassical World pp. 695-99 Downloads
Martin J Beckmann
Uppercase Gains and the Aggregate Consumption Function: Annotate pp. 700-703 Downloads
Michael B McElroy and J C Poindexter
Majuscule Gains and the Aggregate Consumption Function: Reply pp. 704-707 Downloads
Kul Bhatia
The Concept and Measure out of Consumer'due south Surplus: Annotate pp. 708-709 Downloads
Ezra J Mishan
The Concept and Measure of Consumer'southward Surplus: Respond pp. 710-11 Downloads
Michael E Burns
Public Investment Criteria for Underpriced Public Products pp. 712-twenty Downloads
Cistron Eastward Mumy and Steve Hanke
Externalities, Liability, Separability, and Resources Allocation: Annotate pp. 721-23 Downloads
Philip Coelho
Externalities, Liability, Separability, and Resource Allocation: Annotate pp. 724-27 Downloads
Gifford, Adam, and Courtenay C Rock
Externalities, Liability, Separability, and Resource Allocation: Comment pp. 728-29 Downloads
Peter Greenwood, Charles Ingene and James Horsfield
Externalities, Liability, Separability, and Resources Resource allotment: Reply pp. 730-32 Downloads
James R Merchand and Keith P Russell
Selection Need and Consumer's Surplus: Comment pp. 733-36 Downloads
Peter Bohm
Option Demand and Consumer's Surplus: Reply pp. 737-39 Downloads
Richard Schmalensee
The Optimum Lifetime Distribution of Consumption Expenditures: Comment pp. 740-52 Downloads
Andre Daniere
The Optimum Lifetime Distribution of Consumption Expenditures: Reply pp. 753-55 Downloads
Lester Thurow
A Model of a Highway System Financed by a Trust Fund pp. 756-58 Downloads
E M Davis and J Due east Olson
Optimal Advertising: A Note pp. 759-61 Downloads
David Weber
On the Effects of Fiscal and Budgetary Policy: Completing the Taxonomy pp. 762-67 Downloads
Laurence H Meyer and William R Hart
Default Risk, Calibration, and the Homemade Leverage Theorem: Notation pp. 768-73 Downloads
Pao Lun Cheng

Volume 65, effect 3, 1975

Environmental Quality: The First Five Years pp. 259-68 Downloads
Edwin S Mills and Frederick Thousand Peterson
Short-Term Involvement Rates as Predictors of Inflation pp. 269-82 Downloads
Eugene Fama
The Theory of "Screening," Education, and the Distribution of Income pp. 283-300 Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz
Substitution Effects and Biases in Nontrue Cost Indices pp. 301-thirteen Downloads
P J Lloyd
A Labor Theoretic Analysis of the Criminal Choice pp. 314-25 Downloads
M Thou Block and J M Heineke
Monopoly Pricing and Capacity Option under Incertitude pp. 326-37 Downloads
Robert A Meyer
Dynamic Monopsony and Structural Modify pp. 338-49
Martin Neil Baily
Academic Achievement and Job Performance pp. 350-66 Downloads
David Wise
Transcendental Logarithmic Utility Functions pp. 367-83 Downloads
Laurits R Christensen, Dale W Jorgenson and Lawrence J Lau
Empirical Implications of Infrequent Purchase Beliefs in a Stock Aligning Model pp. 384-96 Downloads
Richard B Westin
The Deterrent Upshot of Death sentence: A Question of Life and Expiry pp. 397-417 Downloads
Isaac Ehrlich
China as a Less Developed Economy pp. 418-28 Downloads
Lloyd G Reynolds
A Model of Public Fiscal Beliefs in Developing Countries: Assist, Investment, and Taxation pp. 429-45 Downloads
Peter Heller
Demand for International Reserves and the Optimum Mix and Speed of Adjustment Policies pp. 446-53 Downloads
Emil-Maria Claassen
The Hereditary and Relativistic Formulation of the Demand for Money: Circular Reasoning or a Real Structural Relation? pp. 454-64
Maurice Allais
Professor Allais' Theory of the Demand for Coin: Rejoinder pp. 465-66 Downloads
John L Scadding
Required Disclosure and the Stock Market: Comment pp. 467-72
Irwin Friend and Randolph Westerfield
Required Disclosure and the Stock Market: Rejoinder pp. 473-77 Downloads
George J Benston
The Simple Economics of Incentive Contracting: Annotation pp. 478-83 Downloads
Michael E Canes
The Chief Cause of Salary Differentials: Research Output or Experience?: Annotate pp. 484-85 Downloads
William Hamovitch and Richard Morgenstern
The Chief Cause of Bacon Differentials: Research Output or Feel? Reply pp. 486
David A Katz
Segmentation of the Labor Marketplace: Comment pp. 487-90 Downloads
John Barron
Segmentation of the Labor Market: Rejoinder pp. 491
Charles C Holt
The Elasticity of Scale and the Shape of Average Costs pp. 492-97 Downloads
Giora Hanoch
The Welfare Effects of Spatial Price Discrimination pp. 498-503 Downloads
William Holahan
Wage Conclusion, Aggrandizement, and the Industrial Structure: Annotate pp. 504-06 Downloads
William A Bomberger
Wage Determination, Inflation, and the Industrial Structure: Reply pp. 507-09 Downloads
Stephen Ross and Michael L Wachter
Pitfalls in Financial Model Edifice: A Clarification pp. 510-16 Downloads
Gary Smith
Buyer'southward Prices, Seller's Prices, and Price Flexibility: Comment pp. 517-25 Downloads
Douglas R Bohi and Gerald W Scully
Buyer'southward Prices, Seller's Prices, and Price Flexibility: Respond pp. 526
George Stigler

Volume 65, issue 2, 1975

Income Distribution-Tin Economists Help? pp. 1-15
Alice Rivlin
The Challenge of Dual and Radical Theories of the Labor Market to Orthodox Theory pp. xvi-22 Downloads
Glen Cain
Economical Analysis of Merchandise Unionism pp. 23-28 Downloads
George Johnson
Economics of Time and Labor Supply pp. 29-34 Downloads
H Thousand Lewis
The Economics of Labor: An Assessment of Recent Inquiry: Word pp. 35-36 Downloads
Paula Stephan
Three Phases of Cliometric Research on Slavery and Its Aftermath pp. 37-46 Downloads
Robert Fogel
Public Policy and Black Economic Progress: A Review of the Bear witness pp. 47-52 Downloads
Bernard Eastward Anderson and Phyllis A Wallace
Factors Affecting the Future Economic Prospects of Minorities pp. 53-58 Downloads
David H Swinton
Past Developments and Future Prospects for Ethnic Minority Groups: Discussion pp. 59-sixty
Ronald L Trosper
Past Developments and Futurity Prospects for Indigenous Minority Groups: Word pp. sixty-62
Daniel R Fusfeld
Human Capital letter Theory: Education, Discrimination, and Life Cycles pp. 63-73 Downloads
Finis Welch
The Problem with Human Uppercase Theory-A Marxian Critique pp. 74-82 Downloads
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
Job Search and Affirmative Action pp. 83-91 Downloads
Alice H Amsden and Collette Moser
Women Economists: Career Aspirations, Education, and Training pp. 92-99 Downloads
Myra H Strober
Two Supply Curves for Economists? Implications of Mobility and Career Zipper of Women pp. 100-107 Downloads
Barbara B Reagan
Aggrandizement and the International Budgetary Situation pp. 108-14 Downloads
H Johannes Witteveen
Monetarist and Keynesian Models of the Manual of Inflation pp. 115-xix
William Branson
Understanding World Inflation pp. 120-24 Downloads
George Perry
Monetary Growth and the Long-Run Rate of Inflation pp. 125-28 Downloads
Richard T Selden
Interpreting Recent World Aggrandizement pp. 129-32 Downloads
Ronald L Teigen
The Payments Adjustment Process and the Exchange Rate Regime: What Have We Learned? pp. 133-46 Downloads
Marina five N Whitman
Domestic Adjustment to Balance of Payments Disequilibrium: Discussion pp. 147-48 Downloads
Rüdiger Dornbusch
Domestic Adjustment to Residual of Payments Disequilibrium: Word pp. 148-51 Downloads
William J Fellner
Domestic Aligning to Rest of Payments Disequilibrium: Discussion pp. 151-53
Alexandre Kafka
Domestic Adjustment to Residue of Payments Disequilibrium: Discussion pp. 153-56
Paul Volcker
Recent Developments in Budgetary Theory pp. 157-66 Downloads
Stanley Fischer
Empirical Monetary Macroeconomics: What Have We Learned in the Last 25 Years? pp. 167-75 Downloads
William C Brainard and Richard Northward Cooper
25 Years after the Rediscovery of Money: What Take We Learned? Discussion pp. 176-79 Downloads
Milton Friedman
25 Years after the Rediscovery of Money: What Have We Learned? Discussion pp. 179-81
Franco Modigliani
The Coordination of Economic Activities: A Keynesian Perspective pp. 182-88 Downloads
Robert Clower and Axel Leijonhufvud
The Keynesian Revolution Reconsidered pp. 189-94 Downloads
Robert Eisner
Keynesian Models of Recession and Depression pp. 195-202 Downloads
James Tobin
Towards a Theory of Saving Behavior pp. 203-09 Downloads
F. Juster and Lester Taylor
Saving Beliefs in Western Frg and the United States pp. 210-16 Downloads
Burkhard Strumpel
Postwar U. S. Consumption, Consumer Expenditures, and Saving pp. 217-22 Downloads
Michael Darby
Personal Savings in the Postwar World: Implications for the Theory of Household Behavior: Word pp. 223-24 Downloads
Thomas Mayer
A Contractarian Prototype for Applying Economic Theory pp. 225-30 Downloads
James Buchanan
Problems vs. Conflicts: Economic Theory and Ideology pp. 231-36 Downloads
Duncan Foley
Law and Economic Theory: An Economist's View pp. 237-43 Downloads
Alvin Yard Klevorick
The National Longitudinal Surveys: New Vistas for Labor Market Research pp. 244-49 Downloads
Herbert S Parnes
Using Survey Data from the University of Michigan's Survey Research Eye pp. 250-56 Downloads
James Northward Morgan
Potential Applications of Demography Bureau Economic Series in Microdata Assay pp. 257-62 Downloads
Shirley Kallek
The Experimental Panel Information Resources at the Poverty Constitute Information Center pp. 263-69 Downloads
Katherine Dickinson and Harold W Watts
Firm Determination-making Processes and Oligopoly Theory pp. 270-79 Downloads
Paul Joskow
Oligopoly Theory, Advice, and Information pp. 280-83 Downloads
Martin Shubik
Northeast Railroads: Restructured or Nationalized? pp. 284-88 Downloads
Alexander Lyall Morton
Transportation Controls and the Spatial Structure of Urban Areas pp. 289-94 Downloads
Gerald South Goldstein and Leon Northward Moses
Regulation and the Financial Condition of the Electrical Power Companies in the 1970's pp. 295-301 Downloads
Paul 50 Joskov and Paul W MacAvoy
Evolution Economic science-A Reassessment of Goals pp. 302-09 Downloads
Irma Adelman
The Structuralist Approach to Development Policy pp. 310-xvi Downloads
Hollis B Chenery
State of Development Economics pp. 317-22 Downloads
Stephen A Resnick
Implications of Growth Theory for Trade and Development pp. 323-28 Downloads
Ronald Findlay
The Theory of Economic Growth: A Critique and Reformulation pp. 329-37 Downloads
Donald J Harris
Growth Theory from an Evolutionary Perspective: The Differential Productivity Puzzle pp. 338-44
Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter
Chinese and Indian Evolution: An Interdisciplinary Environmental Analysis pp. 345-55 Downloads
Barry Richman
China and India: Contrasting Experiences in Economic Development pp. 356-64 Downloads
Thomas E Weisskopf
Mainland china and India: Development during the Final 25 Years: Word pp. 365-68 Downloads
Padma Desai
China and Republic of india: Development during the Concluding 25 Years: Word pp. 368-71
John K Gurley
International Engineering Transfer: Forms, Resource Requirements, and Policies pp. 372-76 Downloads
Edwin Mansfield
The Economics of East European Applied science Imports from the West pp. 377-82 Downloads
Edward A Hewett
Problems of Engineering science Assimilation in Chinese Industry pp. 383-88 Downloads
Thomas Rawski
Incidence of World Taxes on Natural Resources with Special Reference to Bauxite pp. 389-96 Downloads
Stephen Gillis and McLure, Charles E,
U.Due south. Taxes on Energy Resources pp. 397-404
Gerard Chiliad Brannon
Taxation of Natural Resources: Discussion pp. 405-06 Downloads
Arthur West Wright
Purposive Models of Legislative Behavior pp. 407-fourteen Downloads
John A Ferejohn and Morris P Fiorina
An Evolutionary and Institutional View of the Behavior of Public and Private Companies pp. 415-27 Downloads
Marc J Roberts
Some Observations on the Learning of Economic science pp. 428-30 Downloads
Kenneth E Boulding
Some Comments on the Principles Class pp. 431-33 Downloads
John G Gurley
New Approaches to Teaching the Principles Course pp. 434-37 Downloads
W Lee Hansen

Volume 65, issue 1, 1975

What's Right With Economics? pp. 1-26
Walter W Heller
Supply and Salary Adjustments to the Changing Science Manpower Market: Physics, 1948-1973 pp. 27-39 Downloads
Richard Freeman
The Balance of Payments and Coin Supply Nether the Gilded Standard Government: U.S. 1879-1914 pp. 40-58 Downloads
Bijan B Aghevli
Investment Behavior, the Measurement of Depreciation, and Revenue enhancement Policy pp. 59-74
Robert Yard Coen
Wealth Neutrality and Local Choice in Public Instruction pp. 75-89 Downloads
Martin Feldstein
Household Utility Maximization and the Working Wife pp. 90-100 Downloads
Wendy Lee Gramm
A Dynamic Analysis of Taxation pp. 101-14 Downloads
Osvaldo H Schenone
A Geometrical Exposition of Input-Output Analysis pp. 115-26
Daniel A Graham
Toward an Assay of Postdisaster Cooperation pp. 127-38 Downloads
Louis De Alessi
Polluters' Profits and Political Response: Directly Controls Versus Taxes pp. 139-47 Downloads
James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock
Durability of Consumption Goods Reconsidered pp. 148-57 Downloads
Teddy T Su
Earnings, Productivity, and Changes in Employment Discrimination during the 1960's pp. 158-68 Downloads
Joan Gustafson Haworth, James Gwartney and Charles Haworth
Efficient and Optimal Utilization of Capital Services pp. 181-86 Downloads
Guillermo Calvo
International Merchandise and Economic Growth: A Diagrammatic Analysis pp. 187-93 Downloads
Robert Baldwin
Lancaster's New Approach to Consumer Demand and Its Limitations pp. 194-99 Downloads
Reuven Hendler
A Note on Dubiousness and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions pp. 200-05 Downloads
Estelle James
Tax Policy and Investment: An Analysis of Survey Responses pp. 206-12 Downloads
Robert Eisner and Patrick J Lawler
The U.S. Phillips Curve and International Unemployment Rate Differentials: Comment pp. 213-21 Downloads
Nancy Smith Barrett
The U.Due south. Phillips Curve and International Unemployment Rate Differentials: Reply pp. 222-25 Downloads
Robert J Flanagan
On the Advantage System pp. 226-29 Downloads
Liang-Shing Fan
The Industrial Composition of U.Southward. Exports and Subsidiary Sales to the Canadian Market: Annotate pp. 230-34 Downloads
Dale Orr
The Industrial Limerick of U.S. Exports and Subsidiary Sales to the Canadian Market: Respond pp. 235
Thomas Horst
Black Teaching, Earnings, and Interregional Migration: A Annotate and Some New Bear witness pp. 236-40 Downloads
Charles Link
Blackness Education, Earnings and Interregional Migration: Even Newer Testify pp. 241-44 Downloads
Leonard W Weiss and Jeffrey Williamson
Theory of the House Facing Uncertain Demand: Comment pp. 245-47 Downloads
Robert Grand Korkie
Theory of the Firm Facing Uncertain Need: Reply pp. 248
Hayne Leland
Nontraded Goods, Factor Market Distortions, and the Gains from Trade: Annotate pp. 249-50 Downloads
Murray Kemp and Edward Belfry
Nontraded Goods, Factor Marketplace Distortions, and the Gains from Merchandise: Reply pp. 251-52 Downloads
Raveendra North Batra


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